How do I find products that fit my vehicle?

The easiest way is to select your vehicle directly from our home page, as you will then only be shown products that are fitting for your vehicle:




Here you can also filter directly by category, e.g. seat covers, hail protection covers or trunk mats.




As mentioned, you will then only be shown products that are suitable for your vehicle.

You will only find an indication/filtering whether a product is suitable for your vehicle in selected categories such as seat covers, mats or covers. So where it makes sense. Universal products such as first aid kits, child seats and child seat pads, boot protectors etc. do not have any corresponding indications because these products are suitable for every vehicle (or where it makes sense, the product dimensions are indicated). Therefore, if you do not see any indication, either that they fit, do not fit or that you can find out, such a classification is not possible or useful.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for or are unsure, our customer service team will of course be happy to help during our opening hours:

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